visited the low-maintainence star (seriously…she had her room decorated by castmates simply because she was more concerned with doing the show than going all Martha Stewart!) for a glimpse at a few of the things that make her room special. Check them out!
“I used to have a chair that did not swivel or have wheels. This was one of the Elphaba chairs and they were going to get rid of it. It’s a perfectly good chair! Now I have a chair that swivels—and it’s got Idina [Menzel] green on it, so it’s special.”
“This is a letter from [previous Elphaba] Dee Roscioli. She left the show after we had done it together for a few months. When I got it it was rolled up and just really pretty. It’s her handprint, which is something the Elphabas do—leave their green hand prints in their dressing rooms. So sweet.”
“Oh, the picture of the duck. What can I say about this? My boyfriend colored this for me. It’s a blue duck! It just makes me smile.”
“This picture is of Wicked’s John Riggins and Jason Daunter. They decorated my dressing room for me. I didn’t have anything in here for the longest time!”
“These Olba’s Pastilles/lozenges are something I use every show. I’m kind of addicted to them. They’re strong! It’s a lozenge with vapor action I can keep in my cheek. Hey, it’s the little things!”