Buy Tickets to see Wicked!
WICKED Musical currently playing on tour in San Diego, CA (till March 02, 2025) and moves to Tempe, AZ (from March 04, 2025)

TV celebrity John Davidson is on stage as the Wizard in Wicked musical. Davidson plays the Wizard in Wicked which opens a six-week run Wednesday September 18, 2013 at the Orpheum Theatre MN.

John Davidson as the Wizard in Wicked

John Davidson as the Wizard in Wicked

“I’m only onstage 17 minutes out of a three-hour show, and they’re paying me quite well to do that,” he said. “I’m a very lucky man.” “I grew up singing Rodgers & Hammerstein, but ‘Wicked’ has taken the musical to a whole new level,” he said. “I’m proud to be a part of this production.”

Davidson said he is fine with the smaller part of the Wizard instead of being the leading man he was for so many years. “I’m realistic about where I am in life right now. But I love playing the con man,” he said.

He said he is happy still to be involved in his first love, live theater, although he believes all the media are related.

The role also gives Davidson a chance to see the country. He and his wife, Rhonda, are traveling around for the tour in a camper. While their mobile home does not rise to Loretta Lynn-style luxury, it does have two bathrooms and a full kitchen.

“It’s a great way to see the country and you meet a lot of great people,” he added.

Buy Wicked Minneapolis MN Tickets to watch the show with the new cast.

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Buy Tickets to see Wicked!

Buy Tickets to see Wicked!