Buy Tickets to see Wicked!
WICKED Musical currently playing on tour in San Diego, CA (till March 02, 2025) and moves to Tempe, AZ (from March 04, 2025)

Wicked will blow you away and give you more of a background on what happened before Dorothy landed in Oz.

At the risk of giving away to much, this review will be rather vanilla in its approach for that reason. If I tell to much about it, I will give too much away and that just wouldn’t be fair to those who have yet to experience this hit musical.

The story is based around who the witches were in the “merry old Land of Oz” and how they grew up. From the birth of Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of The West) to how she became who she ended up being in The Wizard of Oz and beyond. As well as, the back story of the relationship between she and Glinda, (the Good Witch) starting out as Galinda, pronounced with a Ga.

There are plenty of ooh’s and ahh’s to be had and lots of laughter as the story unfolds in front of you. Vicki Noon, who plays Elphaba, gives a stellar performance and has superb vocal ability and range. She really does steal the show and makes you have a whole new appreciation for The Wicked Witch. Natalie Daradich, who portrays Glinda, is cute and bubbly, with an infectious amount of narcissism and straight ahead conceitedness. All in good fun though, she is the child of privilege, as opposed to Elphaba ,who is her polar opposite in more than just skin tone.

Kudos to Celebrity Attractions for bringing this back for a second year. Let us just hope that it will be a regular engagement in Tulsa.

Wicked is playing now at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center through November 28th, 2010. The performance schedule will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday Evenings at 7:30 pm, Friday Evenings at 8:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday Matinees at 2:00 pm and Saturday Evenings at 8:00 pm. No performance on Thursday, November 25th due to Thanksgiving holiday. Wicked Tulsa, OK Tickets starts at $30.00.

Read Wicked Review by Ernie Osborn on

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Buy Tickets to see Wicked!

Buy Tickets to see Wicked!